What is hijacked consciousness? 🤔👇
A hijacked state of consciousness is a psychobiological situation where we willing accept a set of beliefs or messages imposed from outside forces, nonconciously surrendering or ability to deliberate or question.
When we give up or cognitive processes, we allow our consciousness and thought patterns to be directed by environmental circumstances, often false idols and other type of Demagogues.
Here are 3 different sociological, psychological and neuropsychological theories explaining why humans share this inherent trait.
Psychological theory suggests the reason human behavior makes us susceptible to Demogoges, political leaders and other social influences, is due to an innate desire to return to a child like state where the responsibility for decision making is passed on to a type of caregiver.
Social Theory indicates the need to be part of a group or tribe simply overrides our independent thinking processes, causing our thoughts and behavioral patterns to be easily swayed by the collective group.
Another controversial theory is that certain speech patterns trigger various neuronal thought processes that can essentially infect the brain like a type of virus, reconfiguring behavioral patterns and conscious experience.
As humans we share a vulnerability towards seductive speech, a collective consciousness, and invasive, sometimes harmful, neurological behavioral patterns beyond our control or even awareness.
This is why it’s important to reflect on thoughts and actions, questioning our own behavior with a practice of honesty and humility.
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